Doberman Pinscher : : Male : : Adult Learn more about the Doberman Pinscher.
I was lost on the street and my tummy was all rumbly so I went on over to this good smelling place where people were eating inside and waited patiently till one of the kind hearted workers came out and shared her delicious yummy food with me that took away the rumble. She was kind enough to take me home and bath me and best of all, she keeps giving me more of the yummy stuff that cures that nasty rumbly tummy. She says I am very very sweet and get along with her other dogs just fine, but she cannot keep me as she already has so many other rumbly tummies to feed.
Please give me a permanent home where I can be loved and love you in return. Dobermans are wonderful dogs that require a lot, but give a lot in return.
Call Sadar to find out more about the adorable me. |