Doberman Pinscher : : Female : : Adult Learn more about the Doberman Pinscher.
Bella & Dash are brother and sister and in need of a very loving home. Their owner is heartbroken that situations change so that she can no longer provide a loving home for these two very loved best friends. Bella is a red, loyal, loving female dobie. Bella loves to lay/sit in the sun and literally goes "bananas" for bananas! She is more independent and willing to take control. Dash is a beautiful black and tan, male, spontaneous, loving, dobie. Dash loves stuffed animals and balls. He likes to bite down on them, chew them, pull the stuffing out, etc. :) He will fetch toys and likes the interaction. He absolutely loves to have his ears rubbed and will fall asleep, head in your lap, standing up while doing this to him. They are both very well loved and around 8 yrs old. They enjoy walks very much but need a tiny bit of training on a leash. For more information about these awesome pets plz call Jeannie at 210-815-2988. Other Pictures of Bella & Dash (click to see larger version):